This Moroccan Fiesta Chicken would be great served with a steamed vegetable and/or salad.Moroccan Fiesta Chicken
Try my favorite Moroccan Carrots recipe for a perfect accompaniment to this Moroccan Fiesta Chicken. The recipe for these amazing Moroccan Carrots can be found at
To make a vegetarian version of this Moroccan Fiesta Chicken recipe, replace the real chicken with a vegetable protein chicken substitute. This “fake” or “vegetarian” chicken has a similar texture and taste to real chicken. To use this “vegetarian” chicken, take it out of the can, cut it in bite-sized pieces and add it to the crockpot with the rest of the ingredients.
See a cooking demonstration of this Moroccan Fiesta Chicken on the Cooking Lessons for Dad YouTube channel.
Moroccan Fiesta Chicken
Yield: 6 to 8 servings
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